Old Emmer Finest Wheat Bourbon – 750ml

[Old Emmer Finest Wheat Bourbon – 750ml]

Executive Summary

[Old Emmer Finest Wheat Bourbon is a premium bourbon crafted from a unique blend of grains, including a significant proportion of Emmer wheat. This distinctive wheat bourbon offers a smooth and complex flavor profile, with notes of honey, vanilla, and spice, making it an excellent choice for discerning bourbon enthusiasts. The handcrafted production process and meticulous attention to detail contribute to the exceptional quality of this bourbon, making it a standout addition to any spirits collection.]


[For bourbon lovers seeking a unique and nuanced flavor experience, Old Emmer Finest Wheat Bourbon offers a delightful departure from traditional bourbons. Crafted with care and a unique blend of grains, this wheat bourbon boasts a smooth, complex character that sets it apart. This article delves into the details of this exceptional bourbon, exploring its origins, flavor profile, and what makes it a truly special spirit.]

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What makes Old Emmer Finest Wheat Bourbon different from other bourbons?

[A: Old Emmer Finest Wheat Bourbon distinguishes itself through its unique grain bill. The inclusion of a substantial amount of Emmer wheat contributes to its distinct flavor profile, characterized by a smooth and subtly sweet character, as opposed to the more robust, corn-forward taste of traditional bourbons.]

Q: How is Old Emmer Finest Wheat Bourbon made?

[A: Old Emmer Finest Wheat Bourbon is crafted through a meticulous process. The grains are carefully selected and fermented to produce a flavorful wash, which is then distilled in copper pot stills. The bourbon is aged in charred oak barrels for a period of time, allowing it to develop its rich and complex flavors.]

Q: What are some suggested ways to enjoy Old Emmer Finest Wheat Bourbon?

[A: Enjoy Old Emmer Finest Wheat Bourbon neat, on the rocks, or in a classic cocktail like an Old Fashioned. Its smooth and balanced character makes it a versatile choice for various drinking preferences.]

Grain Bill & Composition

[The distinctive flavor profile of Old Emmer Finest Wheat Bourbon stems from its unique grain bill. Unlike many bourbons that rely primarily on corn, this bourbon incorporates a substantial amount of Emmer wheat. This ancient grain contributes a subtle sweetness and complexity to the spirit, resulting in a smooth and balanced taste.]

  • Emmer Wheat: This ancient grain, known for its nutty and slightly sweet flavor, contributes a unique dimension to the bourbon.
  • Corn: While corn plays a less dominant role than in traditional bourbons, it provides a traditional bourbon base and adds a touch of sweetness.
  • Barley: A small amount of barley is included in the grain bill, contributing to the bourbon’s complexity and depth of flavor.
  • Rye: A small amount of rye is included in the grain bill, adding a hint of spice and a touch of complexity.
  • Water: The use of high-quality water during the mashing and distillation process is essential for producing a smooth and well-balanced bourbon.

Flavor Profile

[Old Emmer Finest Wheat Bourbon presents a captivating flavor profile characterized by smoothness, balance, and complexity. The unique blend of grains results in a harmonious interplay of tastes that appeal to both seasoned bourbon connoisseurs and those new to the world of wheat bourbons.]

  • Honey: The Emmer wheat contributes a distinctive honey sweetness to the bourbon, creating a mellow and inviting character.
  • Vanilla: Notes of vanilla emerge from the aging process in charred oak barrels, adding a creamy and comforting dimension to the flavor.
  • Spice: Subtle hints of spice, derived from the barley and rye, create a warm and complex finish.
  • Oak: The aging process in charred oak barrels imparts a subtle oakiness, adding a touch of dryness and complexity to the bourbon’s character.
  • Fruit: Hints of fruit, particularly apple and pear, can be detected in the bourbon’s aroma and flavor, adding another layer of complexity.

Production Process

[Old Emmer Finest Wheat Bourbon is crafted through a meticulous production process that prioritizes quality and attention to detail. Every step, from grain selection to barrel aging, is carefully executed to ensure that the finished product embodies the highest standards of craftsmanship.]

  • Grain Sourcing: The grains used to produce Old Emmer Finest Wheat Bourbon are carefully selected from reputable sources, ensuring the highest quality and consistency.
  • Mashing: The grains are mashed together with water, allowing enzymes to break down the starches into fermentable sugars.
  • Fermentation: The mashed grain mixture is fermented with yeast, converting the sugars into alcohol.
  • Distillation: The fermented wash is distilled twice in copper pot stills, resulting in a high-proof spirit that is rich in flavor.
  • Aging: The bourbon is aged in charred oak barrels for a period of time, allowing it to develop its unique color, aroma, and flavor.

Barrel Selection & Aging

[The selection of the right barrels plays a crucial role in shaping the flavor profile of Old Emmer Finest Wheat Bourbon. The bourbon is aged in charred oak barrels, which impart color, aroma, and a complex range of flavors to the spirit. The type of oak, the level of char, and the time spent aging in the barrel all influence the final taste profile.]

  • Charred Oak Barrels: Old Emmer Finest Wheat Bourbon is aged in charred oak barrels, which impart a smoky and slightly sweet character to the bourbon.
  • Char Level: The level of char on the barrels contributes to the bourbon’s color and flavor. A higher char level results in a more robust and smoky character, while a lower char level produces a smoother and more mellow flavor.
  • Barrel Aging: The aging process is crucial for developing the bourbon’s unique flavor profile. The bourbon interacts with the oak barrels over time, extracting color, aroma, and complex flavors.
  • Barrel Size: The size of the barrel influences the rate of evaporation and the amount of wood contact, which can affect the bourbon’s flavor profile.
  • Barrel Toasting: Some barrels are toasted before being charred, which can impart a slightly sweeter character to the bourbon.


[Old Emmer Finest Wheat Bourbon is a truly exceptional bourbon that stands out for its unique grain bill, smooth and complex flavor profile, and meticulous production process. It offers a delightful departure from traditional bourbons, presenting a subtle sweetness and nuanced complexity that is sure to please discerning palates. Whether enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or in a classic cocktail, Old Emmer Finest Wheat Bourbon is an excellent choice for any bourbon enthusiast seeking a truly exceptional spirit.]


[Old Emmer Finest Wheat Bourbon, wheat bourbon, bourbon, Emmer wheat, premium bourbon, handcrafted bourbon, smooth bourbon, complex bourbon, unique flavor profile, honey notes, vanilla notes, spice notes, oak notes, fruit notes]